
Showing posts from January, 2017

Business Attire ....

Express.... cuts off at size 14, otherwise their Columnist Pants and Editor Pants has a good stretch for my curve body girls that's at the borderline plus size end. Male clothing for their fitted shirts have a nice stretch to it too ... (M) for me fits just fine even for a size 16girl... just bust area's a struggle... lol Color wise: Black, Grey, Charcoal heath grey, white, navy blue, royal blue Plus Size: So far most people recommended Lane Bryant Dress Barn H&M (Smaller collection then they led on....esp in stores...) .................................................................................................................. Forever 21 ( More clubbing, than working :/ ----------- Formal At Work ...

Las Vegas for Me...

The two best times to go to Vegas seems to be summer (Late August) and then right after New end of Feb (rains more) / early March. Low hotel rates and lots of online promotions. Mon-Thurs. Hotels are cheaper than Fri - Sun. Temperature wise: I prefer 60=70 degree weather all year round... Nov. + March is ideal... April + Oct.  a little warmer May and Sept.... Hot... June, July, Aug... Super HOT ! A Buffet Pass for food lovers Buffet of Buffets tour, an all-access pass ""  sign up for their Total Reward Casino card (it is free). The Buffet pass is a little cheaper if you are a TR member. They put the pass right on your Total Rewards card. It is wise to start your Pass as a late dinner. That way you can get in 2 ...

Employment Forms, Processes.... Health and Safety Procedures

Stuff I wish my high school or even college had prepped me for.... Real life expectations! Most of the time nowadays, when you fill out job applications, or just a follow up form in the process; You'll need a "well written" and "up to date":      RESUME !! Most colleges offer resume workshops and even career preps... Use it while it's still free !! And don't wait till the last minute, update it !! esp. when you start a new job. It doesn't matter if it's an internship or even volunteer work, use it !! It's experience ! Notate your timeline well. Documentations you'll need:  *State ID/Driver's License, Passport (Others: Green Card, birth certificate and Certificate of Naturalization etc etc) *SS #  (Actual Card) *Diplomas (College and certificates achieved) *College Transcripts (Some applications require online submission of it) Employers will ask you to bring the actual copy and some may want photocopies, just bring the rea...